

1. 黃金崩跌  2. 英鎊閃崩   3. 人民幣離岸匯率大貶  4. 美元對日元狂升  5. 美國10年國債利率悄悄上升
    ---- 全都指向美元強勢,但看美元指數又還好,並沒有狂升到哪去... 

結果發現了一件很重大的事,或許是我孤陋寡聞,但我真的一直不知道的事 ----10月14日,美國將實施新的貨幣基金監管新規,這會導致全球數千億美元回流美國

接下來是幾篇相關分析文章,是一個叫做黃生的人寫的,POST 出來大家一起討論,或許有人會認為危言聳聽,但我到有些相信了。

因為我覺得,似乎有些事,正在悄悄發生... 這讓我,似乎看到一些光,可是還模糊不清,需要甩甩腦袋,想想下一步的投資策略。甚至,未來幾天考慮把"重倉"在陸股基金的錢,想先退出觀察,改天投資美國房地產指數或股票... 




回覆 金正夯:這兩天金融市場上發生了一連串看似巧合,卻...



回覆 金正夯:這兩天金融市場上發生了一連串看似巧合,卻...


回覆 金正夯:這兩天金融市場上發生了一連串看似巧合,卻...


以上僅供參考 .... 

回覆 金正夯:這兩天金融市場上發生了一連串看似巧合,卻...


回覆 歸休:黃金要看政治,黃生的觀點太狹隘,要看可以...


回覆 歸休:黃金要看政治,黃生的觀點太狹隘,要看可以...

嘿嘿嘿 ,我把16頁看完了 ,不過大部份講政治軍事陰謀,可能是我理解力差 ,我還是看不懂這對黃金或各國股市將產生什麼影響 ?!

回覆 歸休:從政治面來看經濟情勢,美國當前最重要的就...


回覆 金正夯:嘿嘿嘿 ,我把16頁看完了 ,不過大部份...


回覆 歸休:黃生只看經濟交鋒,政治交鋒是全方位的,所...

我想想 ……謝謝 !

回覆 金正夯:我想想 ……謝謝 !...


回覆 金正夯:我想想 ……謝謝 !...


回覆 小小:謝謝兩位高手分享,但功力太弱,有看還是没...


回覆 金正夯:這兩天金融市場上發生了一連串看似巧合,卻...


回覆 單細胞:作個記號,回來慢慢看...


回覆 小王爺:政治層面太高遠,不是我們市井小民能參與的...


回覆 歸休:您錯解一些東西,所以產生判斷的偏差。沒辦...


回覆 今晚打老虎:奧地利經濟學家熊彼德才是真正的才華洋溢...


回覆 歸休:您錯解一些東西,所以產生判斷的偏差。沒辦...


回覆 歸休:石油交易是一種必需資源的分配,政府官營乃...



回覆 小王爺:政治層面太高遠,不是我們市井小民能參與的...

其實 ,若只是要談黃金,能不能解套 ,我是不擔心的,下星期應該就是我的進場點 ,抱著它 ,再震兩三個星期吧,然後就等 (我個人做法 ,不建議)。但因貨幣政策 ,所牽涉的是各國的消長,對於還有其它投資的部位 的人來說,一不小心 ,就會踩到地雷!例如 ,已經創新高的道瓊 ,按波浪是,下次修正完 ,還要再漲很大一波 ,但現在看空的人已高達6成 ,很難理解如何大漲 ,不腰斬就不錯了 。可是如果是政策所帶來的資金聚集效應 ,那就不難理解 ,那這對新興市場的陸股有啥影響 ?大家都知道 ,陸股在磨中長底 ,房市的調控 ,只會利多股市 ,但是要先下到 2600, 才起漲 ,還是橫盤再漲 (陸股的外資很少) 是2017 上半年 ?下半年 ?。相對陸股 ,外資佔有很高比例的台股呢 ? 其實是我太晚發現這件事 ,不然 ,我不會在 10/12 前 ,進場買黃金的 ,因為 10/14 前後幾天才是最佳進場點 (當然你也可以說我事後諸葛) ,這件事 ,也讓我長一智 。要在茫茫的海中生存 ,身為小魚的我 ,沒啥技能 ,只要會逃生 ,或順流就好 ……謝謝各位意見的交流 ……

回覆 金正夯:其實 ,若只是要談黃金,能不能解套 ,我...

別誤會 ,我沒看空台股哦 ……只是觀察 ,何時可進入 。 很多報導都在討論幾個月的非農 ,臨時工的比例阿 ……薪資的增長阿 ……結果是看壞未來就業成長 ,那美聯儲真的想在 12月加息嗎 ?還是如葉倫所說 ,美國其實還有其它手段,其實這次資金監管就是變相縮減QE (再者 ,日本央行可買股市 ,美聯儲不行 ,若未來修法可以 ,那道瓊要上 30000),所以 ,美儲救市應該還有很多辦法 ,大家都預測要加息 ,但美國前財務部長Summers (競選主席輸給Yellen) ,不斷上電視警告Yellen 不要為了面子加息 。所以 ,情勢 ,還有的玩 ……

回覆 金正夯:別誤會 ,我沒看空台股哦 ……只是觀察 ...

至於 ,黃金為何大跌 ,有人說 ,是期貨電子交易所產生的 forced liquidation (強制平倉 ) ,有人說是某個對沖基金高槓桿押注被斷頭 ,有人說是受到flash boy (高頻交易)攻擊 ,無論如何 ,這星期持倉量顯示 etf 沒賣 ,還加買不少 。倒是 ,COT 報告 ,ctfc 商業類與非商業類的多倉都大幅減少 ,些許印證了,這波下跌是期貨盤所造成的 。假期愉快 ……趁爬山空檔 ,偷偷回覆 ……不然又被我家老爺說 ,我在野人獻曝 ^_^

回覆 金正夯:至於 ,黃金為何大跌 ,有人說 ,是期貨...


回覆 金正夯:其實 ,若只是要談黃金,能不能解套 ,我...

黃金能不能解套,要看買進的價格…。問題我天達是買在50.7美元/單位,但是現在是43.75元左右…。我當然也不擔長久以後究竟能不能解套,問題是9月底美聯儲不加息到12月16日宣佈加息可能性之前這一波abc波我沒賺到啊…。(如果從43~60元我還在腰部進帳一點,萬一只升到53、54元我這兩個月等於白進場了。很少看到摜壓之後才把前波低點作高點的陽春漲法…。這一波只有新生才能賺到的波段…。有人說對充基金被斷頭我相信,至於flash boy密集交易?還結合電子交易盤來看咧?妳看到有分好多次放空的痕跡嗎?沒有…。還有人講期貨盤?12月金價下跌幅度也沒有SPDR來的大呀?我看可能就是歐盟金融業危機影響的,11月還要清算義大利,義大利可能用下一個脫歐來威脅要賴帳外債,9月底到12月的波段目前看來很不美…。

回覆 小王爺:黃金能不能解套,要看買進的價格…。問題我...








回覆 小王爺:黃金能不能解套,要看買進的價格…。問題我...

嘿嘿嘿,看了你的"9月到12月這波沒賺到" 和"白進場理論",我想這就是投資市場上,充滿各種不同的心態與做法。大家都知道,我羨慕會做短線的人,因為我是做中長線的,做短線會猶豫不決。接下來,我想分享一篇我很喜歡的文章,沒有任何惡意與貶低,只是分享....



























回覆 金正夯:嘿嘿嘿,看了你的"9月到12月...



回覆 金正夯:嘿嘿嘿,看了你的"9月到12月...

我看多黃金,但不排除"這波黃金只是B波大反彈",我相信自己的看法,但絕不死多頭,所以在所謂的底部 1220-1240 (說不定不會來,但我在等再打一次腳),我會加碼,但我不會滿倉,反而往上突破多空轉折時,才會再加碼。這樣我一定是買在比較高的位置了,但確認了,黃金多頭趨勢沒變,反之,一旦我確認空頭成立 (gdx 破19.6),我會停損出場,但繼續定期定額.... 

同理可證,我看多陸股,但不排除,它還在熊市的最後一個階段 (因為它月線和周線趨勢往下),如果是如此,10- 11月要賣 (上證 3100-3200),明年6月再進場... 

回覆 金正夯:我看多黃金,但不排除"這波黃金...



回覆 金正夯:我看多黃金,但不排除"這波黃金...

補充 ,不是gdx 破 19.6 馬上出場 ,是破 19.6 或黃金破1173,就代表大多頭還要熬很久(2020) ,而且市場上一定有我們不知道的事 。不過就算情況真的那麼糟 ,我也不認為黃金會破前低 1050 ,只是要磨時間 。那我會來回 ,做幾趟 ,攤平 ,反彈,出 ,減小一點損失 ……然後拿資金去做別的 。其實是我膽小 ,我覺得要交易在 probability (概率)上 ,而不是 certainty (絕對)上 ,所以彈性與退路 ,都是我會保留的 ^_^

回覆 家利:夯大是投資高手進退有據,胸有成竹...

嘿嘿嘿 ,更年期 ,容易心悸,腳麻會跑不動 ,所以就小心點 ,罷了 ……

回覆 金正夯:嘿嘿嘿 ,更年期 ,容易心悸,腳麻會跑不...


回覆 金正夯:我看多黃金,但不排除"這波黃金...


回覆 金正夯:嘿嘿嘿,看了你的"9月到12月...

正夯,寫的超好@@ 感謝,向你致敬㊣

回覆 林立伶俐凌厲:哈哈,gdx破24.0,我出場空手。總之...

我10/14 ,進場買gdx 22.7 ,把賺的部份先出了。總體來說(包含黃金基金),9月底與10月買的,目前已經扯平了(含手續費),預計過些天再賣剩下的,原因是,現在百分之70的多頭,都在等更低的一支腳 (所謂的C -wave ),有人看 1220, 有人看1180。那如果大家都出場去等低點,可是價格卻跌不下去呢? 所以,我賭大選前的氛圍 , 如果最後還倒賠一點,哪那也就認了⊙⊙不建議大家像我一樣任性喔。至少,這一波攤平成功,少賠很多了。林利,你比較果決,我則在實驗自己的看法,觀察11月底-12月的買點,預計明年2月再進場。

回覆 傑伊 :正夯,寫的超好@@ 感謝,向你致敬㊣...

哈哈哈,那是別人的文章,我只是分享 ,我喜歡閱讀很多書,文章,分析。與大家分享一個我最近的心得....,我8月初,就一直在糾結1375是不是C浪頂,是按波浪,在9月中,其實趨勢就很明顯,那時我空手了,就不應該再進場。最後印證,真的修正到1250, 所以,技術面還是很重要。因此,我和朋友認真的回歸波浪理論,我們的結論如下 (僅供參考) : 今年初到2018年的黃金,就是個B波大反彈,2017 會漲到1484左右,2018漲到1588, 再來就要一路跌到2023年初的 681。這是純粹波浪理論,不包括外面局勢與基本面,所以僅供參考用。

回覆 金正夯:哈哈哈,那是別人的文章,我只是分享 ,我...


回覆 Ang:哈哈!妳好久沒浮出來了,真的,若有突破前...

行情就那樣,之前就說,10/14 是最佳買點,沒啥變化,所以就沒什麼好說了。
因為9月下旬和十月初 (跌破1270) 買的,被套住了,損失約12%
因此,10/14 先做一趟 gdx 抄底,吉拉德宣布維持QE時,1270 gdx 全部出場,
因為,我看了兩個人的籌碼分析 (COT + GLD),覺得黃金還有戲, 所以,先看多... 

Adam Hamilton (今年黃金趨勢轉折都預測對的人) 寫得非常好 

Gold Green Lights Upleg

Adam Hamilton     October 21, 2016    
Gold’s early-October plunge on futures speculators’ stop losses being run has naturally left this metal mired in battered technicals and bearish sentiment.  But that sharp selloff has already accomplished its rebalancing mission.  The excessive gold-futures trading positions that triggered that stop running have already reversed, and the investors fueling gold’s bull are starting to buy again.  Gold is green lighting its next upleg.
Gold’s price action in recent years has been overwhelmingly dominated by just two groups of traders.  Gold-futures speculators effectively control gold’s short-term behavior, as futures’ extreme inherent leverage gives their capital wildly-outsized influence.  And investors, specifically American stock investors buying and selling shares in the flagship GLD SPDR Gold Shares gold ETF, have commanded gold’s longer-term moves.
Plenty of traditional gold investors don’t want to believe this, as it’s seen as paper gold overpowering the real physical market.  While the gold futures that unfortunately rule gold pricing are definitely paper gold, GLD truly isn’t.  This critical ETF acts as a conduit for the vast pools of American stock-market capital to flow into and out of real physical gold bullion.  The interplay of gold-futures and GLD trading drives gold.
This dominant pair of primary drivers thoroughly explains everything that’s happened to gold in recent years.  That includes the brutal bear market between 2013 to 2015, 2016’s young new bull, and even gold’s early-October plunge.  Speculators and investors who want to multiply their capital in precious metals need to study gold-futures and GLD-holdings action.  Both are now green lighting gold’s next major upleg.
While investors’ GLD-share buying is far more important to this gold bull’s ultimate size and longevity, the best place to start is speculators’ gold-futures trading.  It was these traders’ excessive upside bets that spawned gold’s early-October plunge, and it will be their buying that ignites and initially fuels this gold bull’s next surge higher.  Everything in gold-futures trading results from the extreme leverage inherent in it.
Each gold-futures contract controls 100 troy ounces of gold, which is worth $127,500 at $1275.  Yet futures speculators are only required to deposit $5400 of capital for each gold-futures contract they are trading.  That works out to extraordinary maximum leverage of 23.6x!  For comparison, the legal limit in the US stock markets has been just 2.0x since 1974.  Gold futures’ leverage is an order of magnitude greater.
At minimum margin, fully-leveraged gold-futures speculators risk losing 100% of their capital bet on a mere 4.2% adverse gold move!  If gold moves more than that against traders, their losses can quickly snowball beyond 100% as margin calls force them to contribute even more capital.  This extreme and unforgiving leverage inherent in gold futures forces their traders to maintain an ultra-short-term focus.
Unlike investors who own gold outright and have no problem weathering normal and healthy mid-bull selloffs, gold-futures speculators can’t afford to be wrong for long or they will be totally wiped out.  The massive risk their extreme leverage entails greatly amplifies both their collective sentiment swings and trading action, leading to their decisions having a wildly-disproportionate short-term impact on the gold price.
This outsized influence makes speculators’ total long and short positions in gold futures one of the best short-term indicators for gold prices.  Their aggregate bets are published every Friday afternoon in the CFTC’s famous Commitments of Traders reports, current to the preceding Tuesday.  And the latest CoT read before this essay was published, last Friday’s, reveals that gold-futures selling risk has radically abated.
The first chart looks at the collective gold-futures holdings of speculators, both large and small, from those weekly CoT reports.  Their total long positions, which are upside bets on gold, are shown in green.  Their shorts or downside bets on gold are rendered in red.  Gold and some key technicals are superimposed over the top.  The latest CoT data proved very bullish for gold, green lighting its next major upleg to get underway.

To understand this past week’s super-bullish gold-futures development, it’s necessary to first get some context.  Back in early July, total spec longs surged to a staggering 440.4k contracts!  Since every one controls 100 ounces of gold, that’s the equivalent of an enormous 1369.7 metric tons.  That works out to almost a thirdof total global gold demand in 2015, a freakishly-huge upside bet given futures’ extreme leverage.
Our gold-futures CoT data goes back to early 1999, and specs’ extraordinary massing of longs in early July was easily the highest seen in that 17.5-year span and almost certainly an all-time record.  These elite traders had gotten caught up in gold’s powerful post-Brexit-vote summer rally, which ran counter to its normal seasonal weakness.  Their collective longs ballooned to records as they expected gold to keep surging.
Futures speculators as a herd make the same dangerous mistake as the vast majority of other traders, assuming already-mature trends can be extrapolated out into the indefinite future.  They are the most bullish as evidenced by the highest long-side bets when gold hits major interim highs after strong rallies.  Being bullish when everyone else is near greed-drenched toppings is exactly the wrong time to be way long.
So when gold starts moving against speculators’ hyper-leveraged gold-futures bets, they are forced to sell rapidly to avoid full-on annihilation.  The maximum leverage in gold futures usually runs between 20x to 25x as maintenance-margin requirements are periodically adjusted by the futures exchanges.  At 20x and 25x, a mere 1% drop in gold multiplies to scary 20% and 25% losses.  At 2%, they hit 40% and 50%!
So when futures speculators are excessively long and gold moves against them, they have no choice but to exit fast.  And this selling quickly cascades, exacerbating the resulting futures-driven gold selloff.  The more long contracts speculators sell to get their capital out of harm’s way, the faster gold falls.  And that triggers still more selling by other speculators, aggravating the downside in a powerful vicious circle.
The serious near-term downside risk specs’ record gold-futures longs presented to gold were very clear back in early July.  In my first essay after gold soared to its $1365 bull-to-date peak back then, I warned in depth about gold’s record selling overhang.  As long as futures speculators are excessively long, the odds favor even minor gold selloffs snowballing into something serious as these traders rush for the exits.
Gold-futures long extremes are usually short-lived, lasting a week or two before the cascading selling necessary to reverse them kicks in.  Yet incredibly, gold-futures speculators were so bullish on gold that they ignored many things including surging Fed-rate-hike odds to maintain those high positions for a wildly-unprecedented 12 more CoT weeks!  Spec longs defiantly stayed above 400k contracts for 10 of those.
That’s why gold consolidated high after early July’s bull peak instead of correcting like normal after a major bull-market upleg.  Without gold-futures speculators liquidating their longs en masse, there was no material selling pressure on gold.  After spec longs stayed near record highs for an entire quarter in the weak summer season despite mounting hawkish Fed expectations, they were actually starting to look sustainable.
While I warned about specs’ near-record selling overhang for weeks on end in our newsletters, after 13 consecutive weeks of them I was guilty of getting complacent too.  But the necessary selling to reverse these excessive longs still finally arrived amazingly late in early October.  As gold started to drift under its $1308 late-August pullback low for the first time on October 4th, gold-futures stop losses started to trigger.
In a realm as hyper-leveraged as gold-futures trading, maintaining automatic stop-loss orders on trades is essential for survival.  Gold can move 2% fast, wiping out fully half of traders’ capital if they bet wrong in gold futures.  Futures stop losses started triggering at $1305 that day, exacerbating the selling which soon forced gold under major $1300 support.  That tripped many more stop losses, leading to a mass liquidation.
Cascading gold-futures selling quickly blasted gold down 3.3% on Tuesday October 4th, hammering it to a deep new pullback low of $1270.  It’s critical to understand exactly what happened that day, so I wrote an entire essay on gold futures’ stops being run that week.  But unfortunately despite that extreme down day that looked and felt like a climaxing capitulation, specs’ gold-futures longs remained far too high after it.
They were still way up at 379.1k contracts, which was still the 20th highest witnessed out of the 928 CoT weeks since early 1999.  While specs had liquidated an enormous 33.0k gold-futures long contracts to drive that big down day, their longs still remained so high that they kept that vexing near-record futures-selling overhang largely intact.  That implied the selling wasn’t over, and indeed gold was soon pushed even lower.
The next CoT report following the 4th’s was the 11th’s that came out last Friday afternoon, the newest CoT before this essay was published.  And it proved astonishing!  Gold only retreated 1.3% during that latest CoT week ending the 11th, less than a third of the 4.3% plunge of the previous CoT week.  Thus there was no reason to expect to see speculators’ gold-futures long liquidation continue at any serious scale.
Yet incredibly despite gold’s relatively-mild drift lower, these traders liquidated fully another 42.0k long contracts!  That was immense, actually the 8th-largest spec long dumping witnessed in those 928 CoT weeks since early 1999.  The only larger single-CoT-week long liquidation in recent years was a 49.5k one in late May 2016.  And that capitulatory selling frenzy by futures speculators heralded a major gold bottom.
Last CoT week’s epic long liquidation hammered specs’ total gold-futures longs back down to 337.1k contracts.  That’s right under the 340k-contract major support zone this young new gold bull has enjoyed since April.  So the record and near-record gold-futures selling overhang that has kept a lid on gold since early July has essentially fully reversed!  It is no longer a threat, as speculators now have firepower to buy.
These elite traders now have room to buy over 103k gold-futures contracts just to push their collective bets back up near early July’s levels!  That’s the equivalent of 321.3t of gold.  The entire 29.9% gold bull so far between mid-December and early July was partially driven by futures specs buying 249.2k long contracts while covering 82.8k short ones.  So now having room for 103k contracts of long buying is very bullish.
But it gets even better.  Specs also added 8.0k short contracts last CoT week, taking their total to 115.9k.  That’s the highest since gold was bottoming in late May just before its sharp summer upleg.  Support levels of spec gold-futures shorts have been running around 95k contracts in this young bull.  So gold is also poised to enjoy another 21k contracts of futures buying on short covering as it inevitably starts rallying again.
So in just the last two CoT weeks, speculators’ collective gold-futures positions have swung from a near-record selling overhang of longs and relatively-low shorts to about 125k contracts of near-term buying potential!  Gold’s bull-market uplegs are almost always initially sparked by spec futures short covering, which has the same upside impact on gold’s price as new long buying.  Then long buying accelerates the upleg.
The fact gold is now seeing its most-bullish gold-futures setup since late May just ahead of its last upleg is super-bullish.  Futures are now green lighting gold’s next major upleg.  Technicals back this too, with gold holding near its 200-day moving average since its early-October plunge.  200dmas are always the strongest support zones within ongoing bull markets, with stellar probabilities of stopping selloffs cold.
With gold-futures speculators’ collective bets no longer excessively bullish and holding back gold, that paves the way for major investment buying to resume.  It is these investment-capital inflows, through that leading GLD gold ETF in particular, that have been responsible for the great majority of gold’s new bull market this year.  GLD acts as a direct conduit for stock-market capital to buy real physical gold bullion.
GLD’s mission is to track the gold price, but its shares have their own unique supply and demand that is totally independent from gold’s.  So when American stock investors buy GLD shares at faster paces than gold itself is being bought, they will soon decouple to the upside.  The only way GLD can keep on mirroring gold is if that excess differential buying pressure is equalized directly into the underlying gold market.
So when GLD-share demand exceeds gold’s, this ETF’s managers are forced to issue new GLD shares to offset this excess demand.  Then the resulting proceeds are immediately used to buy physical gold bullion that is held in trust for GLD’s shareholders.  Thus GLD’s holdings, which are published daily, reveal whether stock-market capital is flowing into or out of gold.  They too are green lighting gold’s next upleg.

Without 2016’s massive buying of GLD shares by investors, there’d literally be no gold bull.  And that is not hyperbole or exaggeration at all.  Gold soared 16.1% in Q1’16 and 7.4% in Q2’16 almost exclusively because GLD’s holdings skyrocketed 27.5% and 16.0% on heavy stock-market-capital inflows into this ETF’s shares.  The World Gold Council’s global fundamental gold supply-and-demand data proves this.
Per the WGC’s definitive research, worldwide gold demand surged 20.5% or 219.4t year-over-year in Q1’16.  GLD’s gargantuan 176.9t holdings build alone in Q1’16 accounted for a whopping 80.6% of that total global growth in gold demand!  GLD’s incredible dominance over gold grew even more complete in Q2’16, where world gold demand climbed another 15.4% or 139.8t YoY.  GLD’s Q2’16 build was 130.8t.
Thus differential GLD-share buying by American stock investors was responsible for a staggering 93.6% of the total global increase in gold demand in Q2’16!  So truly without American stock investors buying GLD shares faster than gold was being bought, gold’s bull would’ve never been born.  The fundamental reason it stalled in Q3’16 is GLD’s holdings actually fell 0.2% or 2.1t as stock investors’ capital inflows ceased.
I wrote a whole essay on this GLD-driven gold-bull stalling in mid-September if you’d like more detail.  In a nutshell, record stock-market levels retarded gold investment demand.  As stock markets soared to new record highs after their sharp post-Brexit-vote selloff, investors’ desire to own gold waned.  Since it tends to move counter to stock markets, gold demand for prudent portfolio diversification temporarily evaporated.
On October 4th as gold plunged, I knew cascading gold-futures selling had to be the culprit as I wrote to our newsletter subscribers that very afternoon.  But my biggest fear that day was such intense futures selling would scare investors into joining in.  If they started fleeing, gold’s bull would face serious risks of being snuffed out.  So it was a big relief to see GLD’s holdings dead flat on the 4th and the next couple trading days.
Instead of spooking investors, the sharply-lower gold prices from that gold-futures stop running actually encouraged them to buy!  GLD’s holdings surged by 1.2% just a few trading days after that plunge on the 7th.  American stock investors were buying more gold via GLD shares than the futures speculators were dumping.  That trend wonderfully continued this week, with more GLD builds despite gold lingering near lows.
Thus so far in young Q4’16, GLD’s holdings have already climbed 2.0% or 19.3t despite the sentiment damage wreaked in early October.  Amazingly this big early-Q4 GLD build is right on pace with Q1’16’s 19.7t by this point, which proved a monster quarter of differential GLD buying catapulting gold higher.  And Q4’16’s quarter-to-date 19.3t build is vastly superior to Q2’16’s 14.3t draw by this point in that quarter.
So American stock investors’ differential GLD-share buying, the overwhelmingly-dominant force behind this year’s young new gold bull, is resuming at a major scale!  This has also green lighted gold’s next major upleg, which is likely already underway.  As today’s fake Fed-levitated wildly-overvalued US stock markets inevitably weaken, and gold enters its strongest time of the year seasonallyinvestors are buying again.
Thus the forces that drove gold’s high consolidation in Q3’16 followed by early-October’s plunge have already reversed.  Speculators’ vexing near-record gold-futures selling overhang has finally just been eradicated, leaving them positioned to be aggressive buyers again.  And investors’ mid-year break from gold buying that stalled out this young bull appears to be over, as the critical GLD builds are resuming.
Gold’s next upleg can certainly be played with GLD, but this ETF will merely pace gold’s coming gains at best.  Meanwhile the stocks of the elite gold miners will really amplify gold’s upside due to their great inherent profits leverage to gold.  And as I discussed in depth last week, the gold stocks are screaming buys today with gold’s bull entering its next major upleg.  The window to get deployed at relatively-low prices is closing.
At Zeal we’ve spent literally tens of thousands of hours researching individual gold stocks and markets, so we can better decide what to trade and when.  This has resulted in 851 stock trades recommended in real-time for our newsletter subscribers since 2001.  Their average annualized realized gains including all losers are running way up at +24.1% as of the recent end of Q3!  Why not put our expertise to work for you?
We’ve been aggressively adding gold-stock and silver-stock trades since early October’s anomalous plummet, taking advantage of this incredible buying op.  These new trades are already detailed in our popular weeklynewsletter, and coming soon in our monthly.  Both draw on our vast experience, knowledge, wisdom, and ongoing research to explain what’s going on in the markets, why, and how to trade them with specific stocks. Subscribe today!  For just $10 an issue, you can learn to think, trade, and thrive like a contrarian.
The bottom line is gold’s overwhelmingly-dominant primary drivers are both green lighting a major new bull-market upleg.  Futures speculators’ excessive longs have been liquidated back down to bull-market support, while their shorts surged near bull-market resistance.  That leaves these key traders with great buying firepower for the first time since late May, just before gold’s last major bull-market upleg got underway.
Meanwhile American stock investors have started heavily buying GLD shares again, fueling this ETF’s big early-quarter holdings build equaling Q1’16’s massive jump that ignited gold’s young new bull.  If this resumption of investment-capital inflows into gold persists, they will again drive its next major upleg.  Contrarian speculators and investors can still buy in relatively low before the rest of traders figure this out.


回覆 金正夯:行情就那樣,之前就說,10/14 是最佳...

另外一篇是 Hebba Investments (也是分析籌碼的),因為8/9月他們都看空,現在看多,
請參考,不一定準 (其實現在也沒人說得準 C修正浪來不來,修正多深)


We Are Putting Ourselves Out On A Limb And Calling A Gold Bottom, And This Is The Reason Why


The latest COT report shows that speculators continued to close out gold positions at an extremely fast pace.

Despite the drop in gold, transparent gold holdings have actually increased over the past few weeks in contrast to what gold did during the 2013 drop.

This suggests that much of the gold drop may be due solely to speculators and now we are at much healthier speculative net long levels.

Premiums are rising for gold in India and China.

We think now is the time to buy gold as all of the evidence suggests a short-term bottom in gold rather than a new bear market.

Another big move by speculators as last week saw speculative positions in the Commitment of Traders (COT) report reach levels they haven't seen in months - and they did it in a very volatile way. Silver saw even greater action as those traders abandoned positions at an even greater rate than gold, which took down the net long speculative silver position to levels that are much healthier than we have seen in months.

We will also take a look at the "transparent gold holdings", which are the amount of gold held by repositories, mutual funds, ETFs and electronic precious metal sources across the world. That will give us an idea of what has really been behind this recent drop in gold.

While this week's drop was vicious for gold bulls, for long-time followers it should come as no surprise as we have been waiting for this drop for quite some time. We will take a look at speculative positioning to try and see if this is a good opportunity to buy gold or if there may be more downside, but before that let us give investors a quick overview into the COT report for those who are not familiar with it.

We will get a little more into some of these details but before that let us give investors a quick overview into the COT report for those who are not familiar with it.

About the COT Report
The COT report is issued by the CFTC every Friday, to provide market participants a breakdown of each Tuesday's open interest for markets in which 20 or more traders hold positions equal to or above the reporting levels established by the CFTC. In plain English, this is a report that shows what positions major traders are taking in a number of financial and commodity markets.

Though there is never one report or tool that can give you certainty about where prices are headed in the future, the COT report does allow the small investors a way to see what larger traders are doing and to possibly position their positions accordingly. For example, if there is a large managed money short interest in gold, that is often an indicator that a rally may be coming because the market is overly pessimistic and saturated with shorts - so you may want to take a long position.

The big disadvantage to the COT report is that it is issued on Friday but only contains Tuesday's data - so there is a three day lag between the report and the actual positioning of traders. This is an eternity by short-term investing standards, and by the time the new report is issued it has already missed a large amount of trading activity.

There are many different ways to read the COT report, and there are many analysts that focus specifically on this report (we are not one of them) so we won't claim to be the exports on it. What we focus on in this report is the "Managed Money" positions and total open interest as it gives us an idea of how much interest there is in the gold market and how the short-term players are positioned.

This Week's Gold COT Report

As investors can see, this week's report shows that speculative longs plummeted for the second week in a row by more than 43,000 contracts on the week. On the other side, speculative shorts once again took advantage of the drop in gold to increase their own positions by 8,091 contracts on the week.

We also want to point out to investors that short interest as a percentage of total speculative positions reached 19.11%, which is the highest since early February's 23.45% when gold was trading at $1209.50.

Moving on, the net position of all gold traders can be seen below:

Source: Sharelynx Gold Charts

The red-line represents the net speculative gold positions of money managers (the biggest category of speculative trader], and as investors can see, speculative traders once again significantly decreased their positions for the week as they ended at a net long of around 154,000 contracts.

What that means for gold bulls is that we are now at much healthier positions in terms of speculative traders then we were a month earlier as a 154,000 net long speculative contract position is around the average of what we saw during the 2009-2011 portion of the gold bull market.

Even more interestingly, the net Producer/Merchant stands now at a net short position of around 114,000 contracts - which is actually towards the low end of what we saw during the 2009-2011 gold market. That's a positive factor as it suggests producers and merchants, who know the ins and outs of the physical side of the gold market, are more bullish than they have been in the previous gold market - that is a big positive.

As for silver, the action week's action looked like the following:

Source: Sharelynx Gold Charts

The red line which represents the net speculative positions of money managers, saw a large decline on the week of around 18,000 net contracts - which is an extremely large proportion of total outstanding silver contracts as it represents close to 10% of outstanding contracts compared to gold's net drop which was about 6% of outstanding gold contracts. This shouldn't be too surprising because silver dropped from $18.74 to $17.48 during the COT week which closed on Tuesday October 11th. The speculative net silver position is still a bit high compared to historical terms, but we are at much better levels then we have seen previously. Also, since silver closely tracks gold and gold is at much healthier speculative levels, we wouldn't be surprised if a gold rebound would bring silver up with it.

A Look at ETF Holdings

Before we close this piece we wanted to take a look at total published gold holdings over the past year, and especially focus on the last month.

Source: Sharelynx Gold Charts

As investors can see above, despite the big drop in the gold price transparent investor gold holdings have actually increased over the past few weeks. In numeric terms, transparent gold holdings have increased by around 1.5 million ounces (around 1.7%) over the past four weeks despite the drop in the gold price.

Taking a look at the same chart over the past five years we see the following:

Source: Sharelynx Gold Charts

Investors can see that during the big price drop in gold from the middle of 2012 through 2015, the gold price dropped and investors holdings followed it down. It may be still a bit early, but we have not seen the same thing happen with this price drop as we have actually seen the opposite happen - transparent gold holdings have RISEN during the drop in the gold price.

What does this tell us?

It tells us that the recent drop in gold was not due to ETF liquidation of gold holdings as holdings have not declined. Pairing that information with the information from the COT report, that speculative investors have massively cut gold positions by close to 50% from their highs in early July of around 287,000 net long contracts to the current positions of only 154,000 net long contracts, and this gives strong evidence that the gold drop was mainly due to speculators cutting back on their gold positions.

Conclusion for Gold Investors

While nobody can really know a bottom until after it happens, we think there is a high likelihood that the recent drop in gold has run its course. We know we are putting ourselves out there, but we come to that conclusion because we are only seeing speculators unload positions to levels which are much healthier and actually lower than we have seen in the previous gold bull market. Additionally, since we are not seeing any follow-through selling in transparent gold holdings, we think that many of these speculators may jump right back in to gold if the price doesn't continue to decline.

Finally, we just published another research piece on the physical side in terms of demand from India and China, and what we seem to be seeing is that premiums are rising in those Eastern gold markets for the first time since earlier in the year when gold was at much lower prices. This is a big positive as it would be a source of demand that we haven't seen in months, and would at least provide support to gold.

Thus we are going to put our necks out there and step out on that limb to say we think all the evidence points to a gold bottom here. For those investors that heeded our advice and sold over the past few months, we think now is the time to be buying back positions to previous portfolio levels in the gold ETFs such as the SPDR Gold Trust ETF (NYSEARCA:GLD], ETFS Physical Swiss Gold Trust ETF (NYSEARCA:SGOL], iShares Silver Trust (NYSEARCA:SLV) especially considering the important upcoming catalysts (the US presidential elections, the Italian Referendum, European banking shortfalls, etc.) that could benefit gold.

回覆 金正夯:另外一篇是 Hebba Investme...

長線推測,不一定準..... 我會放在心裡,做為參考 

回覆 金正夯:長線推測,不一定準..... 我會放在心...


而最近這波修正,起漲點約在農曆春節後,也就是2月,但低點會提早出現 ... 

現在我的規劃 (如沒有黑天鵝) 大約就是如此... 明年漲到 1480 賣,等修正,再進場

後年漲到 1580全部出場,但如果發生很嚴重的金融危機或戰爭,則另當別論

說是如此,也要各位金友自行評估, 如果,這一波一路破 1170

那這些就不成立了 ....不過,我還是不悲觀... 


回覆 金正夯:長線推測,不一定準..... 我會放在心...


回覆 金正夯:上漲五波後,修正通常會回測第四波的起漲點...

夯同學你有其他聯繫方式嗎,我昨晚看黃生的升息文發現他確實是貨幣的天才領悟美國的格局觀點。周四期貨黃金高1275.9 跟周五高1268.8在下不才連兩天抓到高點。也算是黃金方面略有武藝了,而1268.8 這個數字比較是華人喜歡的目標價,像你說的東南沿海有黑手在炒作黃金倒也是真實。平日,我大概11點到晚上12點皆固定會看黃金走勢,有遇到歡迎即時交流。: )

回覆 金正夯:這兩天金融市場上發生了一連串看似巧合,卻...


回覆 傑伊 :夯同學你有其他聯繫方式嗎,我昨晚看黃生的...

嘿嘿嘿 ,不好意思 ,我只是偶爾會 post 個文 ,厲害的是我朋友 (超忙) ,不是我啦 !更何況 ,我根本不會抓高低點 ,我只會,看很多分析師之後 ,判斷趨勢 ,然後抱一個波段,所以常常在 ,還沒落底 ,就進場 ,然後被套 ⊙⊙。幸好 ,只要趨勢對了 ,最後結果都還不錯 !我朋友, 他這波反彈高點預測為 1288 ,和很多人一樣 ,低點為 1201 (11月下旬),請參考。

回覆 金正夯:嘿嘿嘿 ,不好意思 ,我只是偶爾會 po...


回覆 金正夯:嘿嘿嘿 ,不好意思 ,我只是偶爾會 po...

這是我一個朋友分析最近可能的走勢 (他分析的是紐約的期金喔,不是現貨)


另一個朋友更狠,直接說 1150,現在我們開賭了... 我認為不破 1242 ..


.. ... 只是分享,不是操作策略喔... 



回覆 金正夯:嘿嘿嘿 ,不好意思 ,我只是偶爾會 po...


回覆 金正夯:這是我一個朋友分析最近可能的走勢 (他分...

夯同學, 那您經驗判斷外國人英文網站的先下1250( 小破可) 再波浪上去1450以上或者你專家朋友的這波版本先彈1288再往下,哪個機會高? 我想我可能會培養家族後代做黃金, 發現自身也研究到ㄧ個小有天份的水平了。跟外匯,指數股市相較之下,黃金天份算是成果更佳。

回覆 金正夯:這是我一個朋友分析最近可能的走勢 (他分...

10/22 ETF黃金減持-16.61噸


回覆 傑伊 :夯同學, 那您經驗判斷外國人英文網站的先...

您的留言讓我想起一句成語,白首為郎。這個典故出自《漢武紀事》。漢武帝曾經乘輦到郎署,看見一老翁,須鬢皓白,衣服不整。武帝問他說:“你何時當郎官,這麼老!”回答說:“我姓顏名字叫駟,是江都人,在漢文帝時作郎官。”武帝問:“為什麼這麼老沒有得到重用呢?”顏駟回答說:“文帝好文,而我好武;景帝好老,而我還年輕;陛下好少,而我已老。所以三代遭遇不好,所以老在郎署。”武帝被他感動,提拔他為會稽都尉,但是也僅止於此。 後人用“白首為郎”比喻遭遇不好,人才長久被埋沒。這就是「白首為郎」的典故,寓意人的一生,有他的宿命難違。顏駟好武,終生不改其志,然而生不逢時,有志難伸。對於顏駟來說是他個人的不幸,但是他堅持好武的志向,一生都沒有改變,真正改變的只是時代潮流的主流觀點而已。有感而發,請勿見怪。

回覆 歸休:您的留言讓我想起一句成語,白首為郎。這個...

拿遇不到明君 , 跟黃金常常獲利的人放一起比喻好像不太搭。
有感 , 勿見怪

回覆 傑伊 :夯同學, 那您經驗判斷外國人英文網站的先...


回覆 傑伊 :夯同學, 那您經驗判斷外國人英文網站的先...

以下純粹交流,很多人看本波反彈已結束。。。。。我沒太多想法耶,只是覺得星期五美元強,黃金也不弱,加上大選要到,星期五收月線,所以下星期,黃金應還有高點,或許是我太樂觀,我看會過1290, 甚至到1300, 那時,我就會全出場。然後就等gdx 再創個低點。但,誰知道呢? 說不定本波反彈真的已GG, 紙黃金與實金,應該就沒差了。反正,趨勢還是往上

回覆 金正夯:以下純粹交流,很多人看本波反彈已結束。。...


回覆 Ang:黃金的判斷基本上沒那麼容易,除了技術上有...

Ang 妳你真可愛吶~~其實,那些朋友自己也常常看錯,只是他們賺多 (ㄧ波段) 賠少 (停損),所以我常常也只是參考,不然,網路上,有各種看法與分析,短多中空長多,短空中多,,,看不完,。主要是相信自己的判斷,錯了,就認了。我覺得,我應該會邊走邊修正,至於gdx 我覺得是方便,可隨時買賣,但黃金基金,我是當長期投資。要選那個,皆可,損益差不多。只是,現在多空不明,我會多看少做 。晚安 ~~

回覆 傑伊:拿遇不到明君 , 跟黃金常常獲利的人放一...








回覆 歸休:只是有感而發罷了崇文尚武的志向就好比逐利...

上周四最高點 期1275.9 是上個月最高點到本月低點的0.33水位附近約當價值

回覆 金正夯:這兩天金融市場上發生了一連串看似巧合,卻...



回覆 阿傑克:金姐10月14日到現在新的貨幣基金監管新...

其實貨幣政策的影響,不是一朝一夕,各國都有盤算,最近人民幣大貶 (大陸也放手,救GDP ,化解房市泡沫),美元獨強(會續強], 都是結果之一。其實美元這麼強,會讓黃金承壓,這是很多人的想法,但我個人認為,風雨過後,雜音退去,明年將是,黃金漲,美股漲,美元漲,中國漲的一年。希望沒看錯 ^_^ 不過還是老話一句,心中雖然有概率,最後還是隨趨勢走!很抱歉,功力還不到可以肯定未來~~

回覆 金正夯:這兩天金融市場上發生了一連串看似巧合,卻...

今晚的美元 ,吃了威爾剛了 ,突破99,一路已衝到99.12 。可憐的黃金 ,還努力撐著 ~~本來今晚要突破1272的說 ……唉 ……

回覆 金正夯:今晚的美元 ,吃了威爾剛了 ,突破99,...

覺得猶太人美國的金融控盤能力真的很犀利, 可以把黃金維持偏漲, 石油不破50


回覆 金正夯:今晚的美元 ,吃了威爾剛了 ,突破99,...


回覆 歸休:免驚,只要黃金比人民幣強就安啦。美元指數...


回覆 歸休:人民幣只要一直貶贏黃金,多頭總司令就還站...

人民幣轉彎轉升通知一下Y  , 19全大會有投資陸股了 ,轉升我判斷更能助長上證跟深港通

回覆 歸休:人民幣只要一直貶贏黃金,多頭總司令就還站...

的確 ,今天是AU(滬金)領漲

回覆 傑伊:人民幣轉彎轉升通知一下Y  ,...


回覆 歸休:2013年3月胡溫交棒給習李後不久,匯率...


回覆 金正夯:的確 ,今天是AU(滬金)領漲...



回覆 金正夯:的確 ,今天是AU(滬金)領漲...

小道今早初步看18008 參考

回覆 金正好:這正是我在思索的大方向,假如歐洲出現黑天...



有人說中國買什麼, 什麼就漲
中國賣什麼, 什麼就跌


回覆 傑伊:美元指數連續日線要來100.39&nbs...


回覆 傑伊 :小道看法昨晚有中喔,朋友也算美股高手...

用240分線觀察gold  , 這個視野還不錯    (傑伊.古爾德) 

回覆 傑伊:用240分線觀察gold  ,...

個人認真考慮在今天或星期一會把黃金基金賣了 (定期定額續扣),因為黃金股票看起來比現貨弱很多(和陸續供佈第三季業績有關 ,像昨天newmont 業績遠不如預期)。所以,未來就算現貨繼續反彈 ,gdx 可能也會漲不太動 , 但未來 ,現貨若修正 ,gdx 可能會修正更多 (更何況 ,世界的股票在高檔)本來靠著gdx 抄底小賺 ,現在可能要小賠出場了 ,期待反彈給我賣 ^_^ 如果這次賣了 ,我希望gdx 21.5 左右進場 PS. 我觀察許久發現 ,貝萊德黃金基金現值 ,和澳洲 newcrest mining 的走勢有很大的相關,比 gdx 大 。所以,我買賣貝萊德 ,會觀察它當天的走勢 ……

回覆 金正夯:哈哈哈,那是別人的文章,我只是分享 ,我...

"2018漲到1588, 再來就要一路跌到2023年初的 681。這是純粹波浪理論"令我極感驚詫 !

我所知的波浪理論是從 1046美元起漲的主升浪必要漫過初升浪的浪尖1920美元直到2021年六月


實金收藏家是有史以來的"多"和"久" 不乏知名企業家們 !這是我從來不曾想過的局面 !時間會說
明一切。即便如此,也是還有不少人仍在等待金價跌破1000美元,才要進場 !

回覆 真實與真相:"2018漲到1588, 再來...


回覆 金正夯:個人認真考慮在今天或星期一會把黃金基金賣...

11/3清晨  FED選前的一次會議 , 財務會計方面的朋友是說 , 選前不會升息
我抓這個清晨 也許有黃金大漲,參考


回覆 真實與真相:"2018漲到1588, 再來...

哈哈哈,果然是 goldbugs , 只是,就算黃金最後要漲到 2000, 中間總要修正唄,修正起來粉可怕的


1. 因為我只買GDX 或黃金基金,因此,我的所看法,都是以 GDX 或黃金基金為出發點
   (黃金1200 元時,金礦公司每盎司賺 100 元,但金價 1300 元時,金礦公司就賺 200,
   這是 double, 所以金價漲 10 %,金礦公司可以漲 50%-100%,這是槓桿)
   假設本波低點為 1200-1220,黃金回檔5%,但GDX 要回檔 12%-15% ,所以,我傾向避開

2. 我認為本波反彈尚未結束,但GDX 已經先破 200 MA, 例如,現在 13:16,  黃金已漲到 1271.85
    (今天整天都很爭氣) 但澳洲金礦股 newcrest mining 卻很弱

3. Probability  vs. Certainty (概率 VS 100% 肯定)
    我看好 2017 的起漲點 (我的關注點: JPY 92 或 美指 104,GDX 21左右),無所謂,反正,先把     2016過完,做完2017 再說, 至於最後黃金要到 2000 或 1580, 順著趨勢走就好。

幾天前,我可以確定黃金現貨會繼續反彈,而非 1274 摔下來就結束 (當天賣掉GDX,純粹是獲利了結),卻沒料到金礦股的持續弱勢。拿黃金基金實驗自己的看法,看對了趨勢卻賠了錢,就認了... 反正,這幾天,有反彈就先出.. 

我還是看好黃金會突破 1275 往 1280 前進,純粹交流,無傷大雅 


回覆 金正夯:哈哈哈,果然是 goldbugs , 只...

悲劇了,我忘了下星期ㄧ放假,無法交易,唉,不管今天GDP 要漲要跌,註定要等下星期二以後再說了,祝大家假期愉快 。

回覆 金正夯:悲劇了,我忘了下星期ㄧ放假,無法交易,唉...


回覆 金正夯:悲劇了,我忘了下星期ㄧ放假,無法交易,唉...

離總統大選越近... 感覺金價越不穩,


回覆 金正夯:哈哈哈,果然是 goldbugs , 只...

唉!唉!果然如此,黃金探底反抽,繼續朝1280前進,多麼振奮人心,可是gdx , fresnillo ,randgold 等黃金股票,要死不活,真的是"猜中了開頭,卻沒猜中結局".真悲傷呀 ⊙⊙°°

回覆 金正夯:唉!唉!果然如此,黃金探底反抽,繼續朝1...


回覆 金正夯:唉!唉!果然如此,黃金探底反抽,繼續朝1...


回覆 金正好:今天這種走勢,是誘空,過1275搞不好就...

我猜錯的機率很大! ! !

回覆 金正好:今天這種走勢,是誘空,過1275搞不好就...


回覆 :Bullionvault價格剛剛最高來到...


回覆 :快1280了...


回覆 K:盤中觸及1282.6了阿彌陀佛...


回覆 金正夯:唉!唉!果然如此,黃金探底反抽,繼續朝1...


回覆 金正夯:嘿嘿嘿 ,我把16頁看完了 ,不過大部份...
