外道看黃金;野人獻曝,供大家參考 3。


這是 investing.com 的一篇文章,我摘錄了幾句,供大家參考。不敢多摘,怕侵權被告 :)  。有興趣的可以前往看看。

Implications For Gold

The escalating trade tensions between the U.S. and China added fuel to gold's rally ...  The fact that the People's Bank of China allowed the yuan to depreciate is a sign that China has thrown in the towel on any trade agreement with the U.S. coming anytime soon. As trade wars have just transformed into currency wars, investors turned toward safe havens. In a world of negative bond yields, gold looks relatively attractive.

Moreover, the renewed conflict with China increases the odds of more rate cuts from the Fed. Indeed, ... That would make for a decline in gold prices later on. 

Fundamentally, though, the escalating trade war provides support to gold.

回覆 Midas:https://www.investin...


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陽春白雪無人識 曲高和寡知音難. 
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